63rd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Sunday 27th October 2024 at 13:00

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63rd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Sunday 27th October 2024 at 13:00

Unread post by davidb »

The notification letter from Tony is http://glassonsailing.co.uk/wp/wp-conte ... 4.docx.pdf
Dear Member,

Re -Annual General Meeting 2024.
I am writing to advise you that following our EGM in September we now need to formally
adopt the agreed management way forward which you decided upon and to consider the
Committees reports on this last year’s trading and activities. We are therefore announcing
that our AGM will take place on Sunday the 27th October 2024 at the Club, commencing at
1300 hours. I will be publishing the agenda and any supporting papers in due course. I will
also display this information in the Clubhouse foyer and ask our Information and Technology
Officer to put the same information on the Club forum for you all to see.
If you have any items that you feel should be discussed at this year’s AGM these should
reach me no later than 21 days before the date of the AGM i.e. 8th October 2023. My email
address is as follows:.
Please note that any items received after this date will not be placed on the agenda and will
not form part of the meetings business.
As you will be aware all Officers and Committee Members stand down at the AGM and all
nominations are then considered for election to form the next Committee. We would
welcome appropriately nominated members with an interest in supporting and guiding the
Club’s business to put themselves forward as candidates for Committee positions. We
welcome multiple applications for individual posts as we believe competition provides the
membership with the opportunity of choice and also to share these responsibilities year on
year. Nominations can be posted on the list which will be displayed in the Clubhouse Foyer
or sent directly to me, again electronically if possible. Please note that the window for
nominations closes 14 days before the date of the AGM i.e.13th October.
I hope you will be able to attend this year’s AGM and continue to support and influence the
future direction and management of the Club. I look forward to seeing you then if not before.
Ton Lam
Hon. Secretary
Distributed via;
Email to individual members.
Club Forum.
Clubhouse Notice Board.
"People who can breathe underwater when knocked unconscious dont need life jackets"
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