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lifejackets on the jetty

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 7:04 pm
by dr.syn
With the new notices Lifejackets must be worn on the jetty, can we have a bin of some sort at the top of the jetty to house some donated ones in. A while ago, if a boat was coming in, people use to come down and help but now this won't happen as much because the people that might just be there for the day won't have them ready. The PBA would be better than lifejackets in this situation anyway, as you can't swim properly in a lifejacket and you'll end up at Snatchems with hypothermia.

Re: lifejackets on the jetty

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 11:22 am
by chorleyjohn
sounds like a good solution a throwing line many also be useful and an alarm bell to summon help.