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Green Blue Seminars - Advanced Mooring Systems

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:40 pm
by davidb

As you may or may not be aware, the RYA and The Green Blue are involved in a project called the EU Life Recreation ReMEDIES project, or more simply #SaveOurSeabed. Do have a look at the information on it using the link that takes you to info page on the project on our website. As part of the RYA being a partner in this project The Green Blue is delivering awareness talks/webinars with the other educational partners in the project including; the Ocean Conservation Trust and Marine Conservation Society.

These webinars focus on raising awareness of seabed habitats such as seagrass and Maerl beds, the threats to these habitats and how boaters can help to protect them, focusing on anchoring best practice and intro to Advanced Mooring Systems (AMS) that help minimise interaction with the seabed compared to traditional swing moorings.

The Webinar details:

8th April - 7:30-8:30pm – Anchoring + Mooring with Care – How boaters can help safeguard seabed habitats + Q&A

22md April - 7:30-8:30pm – Anchoring + Mooring with Care – How boaters can help safeguard seabed habitats +Q&A

To register use this link

It would be great if you could join these webinars and also promote through your networks as we want as many recreational boaters, club reps, marinas, harbours etc to attend.

We are promoting through the RYA Cruising Newsletter that goes out today – so watch out for this for details and to share wider a field. We are also putting out social media posts to promote then so if you follow @TheGreenBlue you can help share these posts too.
Many thanks for your support and do feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the above.

Campaign Manager
The Green Blue
RYA House, Ensign Way, Hamble, Southampton SO31 4YA
T : 02380 604227 M: 07900492192